Oh, You're THAT Girl . . . I Remember you from Contracts
My wife and I visited a local seminary today (I will not go down the extensive path of the why and the implications of our visit). As part of the deal, we sat in on a class. I was a little disappointed. Not only did I not really feel intellectually challenged, even not having read the assignment, but I felt like there were lots of relevant points to be discussed that weren't. (Why talk about how we compare a specific cat to descriptors that we have in our mind for "cat" without mentioning Plato or form?) And I found myself falling into a pattern I know too well from law school of rolling my eyes at the idiots who asked questions whose answers should be self-evident and at the other idiots who only ask questions to hear themselves talk. And recognizing the pattern made me wonder if I am too much of an intellectual bigot to enjoy seminary, or, more importantly, to be a good pastor.
Other than that, the visit was lovely.
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