Monday, July 19, 2004

10 Print "No Service"; 20 Goto 10

It is not my goal to air all of my workaday frustrations in this venue, but what the heck . . . who am I not to take advantage of my digital bully pulpit?
We are experiencing telephone problems. Ever since a recent blackout from an electrical storm, we have had an incoming telephone line (we deduce -- we just realized it today, but we haven't had any calls go in or out since then). 
SBC's website, after having me put my phone number in, informed me that they could be no help, and that I needed to call SBC.  I then called (on my cell) the (allegedly 24-hour) number from the phone book, which (via recording) took my phone number, then told me that, sure enough, the line wasn't working --  I would be transferred to a different number. The different number said that they were closed, so they were transferring me. I was thereupon connected with the first number I called.
So, here's the deal -- SBC, whose telephone ads want me to be convinced that they are the solution for my small business (not that I have one), are incapable of creating a voice mail system that offers me a solution to my problem, or even the opportunity to speak to a real person. This the second time I have gotten this type of runaround from SBC in the past year, and I am appalled by SBC's lack of customer service. If you ever have to opportunity to choose to use their services, or to support a competitor, I would highly recommend the competitor.
The only reason we keep residential phone service and don't go to cell exclusively is so that we can have a constant land line connected to our security system.  I am rapidly deciding there must be an alternative and I must find it.


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