Khakis and Denim
Tracy wore all black this morning, mourning the inauguration.* I seriously considered it, but decided not to. I'm not pleased that President Bush has won a second term, but I don't think the time to be disturbed is at the ceremonial transition of terms. Even though it's certainly a Bush-centric event, I think its more important to recognize that it is a peaceful transition of power, which is one of the things that makes our country great. Despite some (maybe legitimate) questions regarding vote counting and Ohio, the public will accept that those who could have challenged have chosen not to, and so we will accept Bush as the winner. There will be protests, but there won't be attempts at coups, or anyone trying to take over the government. The security forces are all out in great number, but it's not to protect the validity of the government -- it's to protect against attacks on people.
Even when I have trouble accepting folks in power, I'm glad that we can accept the process that got them there.
*In proofreading the post, it strikes me that the first sentence seems to come from a second-grade vocabulary primer.
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