Notes on
Citizens for Literary Standards in Schools ( is an organization attempting to remove certain books from required reading lists in the Blue Valley School District. They specifically state that they are not trying to remove access to the books, but simply make them not mandatory. It smells a bit like censorship, but the organization seems to be doing a good job of steering away from anything that harsh.
Although I feel the group is probably taking appropriate actions (petititoning the school board, lobbying for communication between faculty and teachers), I belive much of their support material is -- at best -- intellectually dishonest, and I've tried to address some of it in the links below:
My word, this is horrible
Jen Caulfield nee Chen
Shift in Spirit
Soooo Many Words
She Was A Teacher or Something. But Whatever
More from
First the Darwin Thing . . .
I am a 15 year old a school in the kc...i think this site is very uncalled for and you need better things to do with ur time...instead of spending all of ur time taking literature and pointless things away from ur child while you could be spending that time with ur child....this is a useless website....just thought i would let you hard feelings or offense taken please just my oppinion...
This person obviously didn't take the time to look at the content of the site before posting. If they had they would have noticed that this site is an objective opposite of the Classkc.ORG.
I do agree with the author in some aspects though. Parents should take the time to teach their kids and be with them. I don't think that the parents that have jumped on this bandwagon have taken the time to read and UNDERSTAND what is being said in the targeted scripts.
It saddens me to see the power that ignorance can have. I think if the parents would take to time to understand the text of these wonderful books they themselves would support their children reading them. It would be a wonderful thing for them to get together with their children and walk them through the tougher portions, to answer any questions they might have. It should be no different than if some of the situations had happened to THEM in life and they were lending a hand.
Let us hope that some light may be shed on these lost and misunderstanding individuals.
Ronnie Terwilliger
I've been checking the website fairly often since the site's existance was brought to my attention. From what I can see only ONE negative post about the site has been made available for review in their Comments section. I'm not surprised by this considering the course of action they are taking with books in our educational system. I've written responses on several different occasions and have yet to receive an email or have one of them posted. It seems to be right down their alley to filter out anything they find to be negative to anything they believe. It would be a shame if someone was to read an opposing stance and SEE what is going on. Let's hope the toe-hold of closed mindedness slips and falls into obscurity. Little chance of that, but one can hope. It has been the way of Man to try to stamp out anything that seems strange or different from what is comfortable. I don't suppose we can expect too much now, even in the era of so called "Progressive Thinking".
Ronnie Terwilliger
Is there a site where I can go to see some kond of rating on books my children read? I don't have time to read everything my chikd wants to read as he reads two to three books a week. These are 400+ page books and I just can't keep up. There is no rating on books, what's a parent like me to do? Help
Good question about reviews. It seems to be that a google search or a look at the user reviews on would at least indicate those books which would require further investigation.
Other suggestions?
I'm glad someone is finally making up a website to dig up the truth. I sent a email since I was and still am a student. And got a response roughly 2 paragraphs and then sent another undermining their response further then i got no response which I thought was funny they see a high school student as a threat. Our english final last year when i did this email was to make a poster with in website format on "Of Mice And Men" going with classkc or against but i made a forum and went against them on Of Mice And Men
I'm a senior now and im still up to undermining them and it is working in my school sort of.
I forgot to post my site
i invited ClassKC to a debate on the site for all the books and none have joined
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