Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Shift in Spirit

When you go to, you get linked to the "Notes on ClassKC.Com" entry in the blog. There used to be an entry regarding "" After several days of thought, I've changed that. There was a comment posted tonight from Ronnie Terwilliger that expressed eloquently the idea that removing certain books from a childhood also eliminates the opportunties for families to address touchy topics. For whatever reason, it reminded me that I want to address on merits, not ad hominem attacks. As I've said, I think if the parents have a genuine problem with the curriculum, they are addressing it through proper channels -- it's some of the arguments on the website that really give me pause.

"ClasslessKCless" was originally intended to address the fact that the group isn't really connected with Kansas City, and forwards poor arguments. However, the term "classless" is more loaded than I mean for it to be. It's harsh, and seems rude. The arguments forwarded here and on stand on their own. So, I've become a revisionist historian and removed the term.


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