Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Arts Weeknight: The 5th Wall Improv - October 12, 2005, Blue Valley High School

This was T5W's second show, and although it had some rough spots, the seven players (Alex Nichols, Jordan Foote, Chris McGillivary, Paddy Cocherl, Tosin Morounfola, Bret Bolton, and Steffi Krull) showed fine comic and scenic skills.

The show kicked off with some straightforward short form stuff, which was fine, and featured some nice verbal work by Tosin. The short form portion ended with a game of "Inside the Actor's Studio," in which a character, based on a name given from the audience, was interviewed by James Lipton while the other players did scenes from the guest's movies. Then the game shifted to the Q&A portion of the show. This is where the players started to seem to have a little more fun with themselves.

The last portion of the show was ASSCAT-style scenes and monologues with some long-form edits thrown in. This portion was interesting, but -- despite its brevity -- lost some steam (I originally wrote "lost some team," which may be just as accurate) as the players let the scenes get away from them a bit.

All in all, it was a fine show, warmly received, and well worth the price of admission.

Alex Nichols explaining, as Hitler: "I'll need enough conditioner to last for one reich."


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