Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Top 10 for Today

Welcome to my Top Ten Interesting Things for Tuesday, December 27.

1. MY LACK OF A JOB – First and foremost is this problem – I’m moving to be closer to my lovely wife, but have no career awaiting me. Dozens of resumes and a few interviews into the process, my last day at the court is approaching like a steam engine. Only faster. Like a Mag-rail train built big, like a steam engine. Including a cow-catcher.

2. UNNAMED CHURCH PROJECT – I need to call a lot of people to help me with a weekend project in mid-January. I have to call them within 24 hours. I hate making calls and asking for help.

3. MOVING – See above. Many boxes need to be filled. But where they are sent is contingent upon the resolution of interesting thing No. 1.

4. SELLING THE HOUSE – This is intricately related to, but different from, numbers 1 and 3.

5. DINNER – Tracy will not be home for it, so I am free to do what I want. The kitchen is cleaner that it has been in a month (thanks to Tracy), so that increases my options. I have been seriously considering a Cornish Game Hen with polenta. I really like polenta.

6. MYTHTV – This is the DVR system that I installed on an unused portion of my desktop PC, which also required the installation of Linux. I’m still pretty happy with it, now that it’s been up and running for about a week.

7. CHRISTMAS GIFTS – We returned Monday night with gifts in tow, but I have yet to take time to analyze them and have fun with them.

8. OXFORD AMERICAN – I was given a copy of this magazine for my birthday, and the more I read it the more I like it. Essentially, Southern writing. Southern Fiction mixed with Southern reporting mixed with Southern music and movies. But it’s the way it is all so well done that makes it great.

9. BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S – It’s on TV tonight. I’ve never watched it, and I sort of feel like I should. That is to say, I sort of want to.

10. MY GENERAL HEALTH – I felt miserable yesterday, which may have been a function of being worn out from job-hunting stress. Then I had a horrible cough this morning. My blood sugars have also been goofy. Most of this is interrelated. I keep thinking I’ll get a job and move and exercise and it will settle down, but that may be wishful thinking.

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