How else could I read Ziggy from my desk?
The internet is a charming little fad, and far be it from me to promote its use for evil. However, I think it is academically interesting to note, a site set up to circumvent registration requirements for free internet sources. You go to the site, put in a website that requires registration, and bugmenot returns an active account and password (in theory).
Ethically questionable? Sure. I think the rationalization behind it is that information wants to be free, and that having to give up your annual income to read an iffy column seems like a bum trade. So, you have the site. Deal with your morals on your own.
On another note, I would like to register my dissatisfaction with the Kansas City Star's website ( progression over the past few years. As I recall, you used to be able to (without a login) access pretty much years worth of back-issue information for free. It was a nice service, well-run. Now, however, to access the last 7 days, you have to fill in a relatively extensive user profile. Articles from more than a week ago cost real cash.
The free login wouldn't be such a bad deal if they actually had a good website. Unfortunately, it's chock full o' delayed, outdated, and misdirected links. I think if they want me to give up information, they should actually provide the service they promise. Check out Pitch's take on the issue at this link:
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